Going Coastal back to California


Last week we packed up our new Mazda hatchback and started the trip back to Palm Springs from Oregon. Our plan was to take the coast route as much as possible. The first two nights we camped outside of Florence and the weather was perfect during the day but a bit nippy at night in the tent. The new queen areo bed was a vast improvement over the pads we used last camping trip – I’m thinking Clinton was enjoying cigars in the White House at the time.

Jaime and Lucy enjoying the beach in Florence, Oregon
From Florence we headed down the 101 and camped at Harris Beach State Park in Brookings. Even stacked full of gear we averaged a little over 30mpg which was a good thing as the next day we entered California and gas was over $4 per gallon. We made a brief stop in Redwoods National Park, stayed one night at a state campground and decided to keep on heading South for MacKerricher State Park in Fort Bragg above Mendocino as rain was in the forecast.

Lucy Camping
We only spent one night in Fort Bragg as both of us had come down with a cold and we were starting to feel crummy. The next day we made our to I-5 above Sacramento and pushed on through back to Palm Springs by 10p.

3 Replies to “Going Coastal back to California”

  1. Welcome back you two!!! So are you guys gonna join us working stiffs again or are you gonna keep living the high life? I’m gonna miss reading about your exploits.

  2. Sweet ride guys, you like that thing or what?


    1. Our Mazda? Yeah it’s a great little sporty yet practical car. It can hold a lot of stuff but not as much as my Tundra and trailer;) In that picture the entire back was stuffed with luggage and camping gear.

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