Really, Really Old Stuff

Jaime and I have been getting our culture on for the past two days. Yesterday was a trip to Monte Alban ruins and today we went to the Centro Cultural Santo Domingo. The older gringos staying in our B&B love to discuss Oaxacan culture in excruciating detail. One lady was a bit taken a back yesterday when she recommended we hire a guide to the ruins and I told her that we avoided guides and tours and preferred to go at our own pace and read about the details in a book. Apparently she was at the ruins at the same time we were with a guide and he produced shards of pottery that happened to be just sitting around the ruins. I suggested they were planted by the guide. I don’t think she liked my suggestion.

Cultured Gringa at Monte Alban Ruins (I think she has spotted some pottery shards)
Monte Alban

Monte Alban skull from tomb 7
Monte Alban skull from tomb 7

More pics on my Flickr Page –

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