Bend Sunriver RV Resort

We successfully navigated to our first stop just South of Sunriver at the Thousand Trails Bend Sunriver RV Resort.

It’s a pretty nice campground with access to the little Deschutes river. A drastic change in the weather has put a damper on our paddle board plans for now. Jaime’s parents (Texas contingency) have joined us for three days. We drove up to Paulina Lake yesterday and it even snowed a little bit.


Crosby seems to be enjoying the comfy confines of The Bago and a big surprise he loves to chase after me when I ride my mountain bike.


Lots of trees here including the world’s largest ponderosa pine in nearby La Pine State Park.


3 Replies to “Bend Sunriver RV Resort”

  1. Crosby is the poster child for pure puppy joy!!! How adorable!

  2. It’s crazy. He’s afraid of many things but really seems to love the bike. Great doggie area here for him to run around.

  3. andy sichler says: Reply

    Love the pictures especially of Crosby & Scott in bike play.

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