Capt. Jim and I finished up an 18 hour bus ride down from Matamoros to Veracruz, Mexico on the chicken bus. OK it wasn’t a chicken bus and the seats were had about the same legroom as a first class in an airline but it was definitely a bumpy night. There doesn’t seem to be […]
The question of where is my hometown has always been a tough one to answer. I’ve lived in: Sacramento, CA Stockton, CA Anchorage, AK Hillsboro, OR Yamhill, OR Eugene, OR Brooklyn, NY Portland, OR Santa Monica, CA Redondo Beach, CA and now Palm Springs, CA My Parents weren’t in the military or fugitives from the […]
Welcome to fabulous Palm Springs!
Frank, Dino and the rest of the Rat Pack boys are no longer here but as promised in the Flintstone’s theme song come on out and you can have a “gay old time“. There’s actually some pretty good outdoors activities here that don’t involve a pool or spoiling a good walk with a little white ball invented […]
To catch up viewers… This is my wife and I. We are incredibly lucky or incredibly insane depending on who you talk with. We cashed out, left the rat race, quit our jobs, sold our crap – well… a good chunk anyways – and moved to a condo in Palm Springs so we could live […]
Captain Jim’s Island Time Blog
Excerpts from Captain Jim’s log of June 2005 Texas to Guatemala cruise. 5/29/2005 Packed and ready to go. Island Time is riding low. 6/09/2005 We are here in Isla Mujeres at Isla Mujeres Yacht Club waiting for Tropical Storm Arlene to leave us alone and let us head south. This a great place to wait. […]