Up to Washington

We finally left Oregon and ventured into Washington. Our first stop was Cougar, Washington close to Mt. St. Helens. We enjoyed a few nights in the bucolic small town staying at the Lone Fir Resort. Jaime had never visited Mt. Saint Helens and unfortunately the the weather wasn’t great when we went to the mountain. […]

Going Coastal

We spent a week on the beautiful Oregon Coast at Whaler’s Rest south of Newport. The weather was unfortunately a bit on the wet side for July. We did enjoy a couple of good beach days and sightseeing between showers.  We had to cut our trip short when Jaime’s tooth got infected and she had to […]


For those not hip to RVing lingo, boondocking is a term for free camping usually in the boondocks somewhere. We have yet to boondock on this trip but have been doing plenty of moochdocking, staying in friends and family’s driveway and mooching off their electricity, internet, water, etc. After regaining my ankle mobility at my […]

Bend Sunriver RV Resort

We successfully navigated to our first stop just South of Sunriver at the Thousand Trails Bend Sunriver RV Resort. It’s a pretty nice campground with access to the little Deschutes river. A drastic change in the weather has put a damper on our paddle board plans for now. Jaime’s parents (Texas contingency) have joined us […]

Adventures Ahead

Monday we finally leave the parents driveway and head out for the unknown or Sunriver (whichever comes first). We sold our last thing from California, our beloved Land Cruiser and bought a 2014 Jeep Wrangler that was already setup for RV towing. My parents posed for a ceremonial passing of the keys before heading out […]


We are in Oregon, getting the Winnebago ready to hit the road. We realize we haven’t updated the blog in a while but trust us, we are working hard. If you are reading the blog, please leave a comment and say Hi. We love to hear from family, friends and visitors to the site. Cheers!

The Last Tango

Our plan was to move into The Tango, spend a few nights shake down / test camp at the Thousand Trails Palm Springs since we haven’t actually used the camper since February 2011, then to Hope, AZ with the parents (and to visit the Winnebago!) for a bit, Sedona for a couple nights and then a week […]